Thank you so much for your gift in support of Empower’s training centre in Southeast Asia. The funds you supplied either constructed or furnished dorms, a library, a hydroponic farm, a kitchen and eating areas, plus provided audio/visual equipment for the large training room. All the construction has been completed and Bible training classes are fully underway on a regular basis. Not only this, but a local congregation is also using the facilities for a new church plant.
The impact of your investment is great for the Kingdom of God. In the countries of Asia, there is a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with multitudes turning to the Lord. National church leaders have told us repeatedly that their greatest need is biblical/theological training to keep up with the explosive church growth. Thousands of pastors are growing in faith and knowledge at the training centre, while the Holy Spirit is anointing them for extremely fruitful ministry. This is why your support was so timely in the plan of God for this region of the world. Many thanks from the national pastors and churches of Asia.
Ron Pearce, Executive Director/Founder, Empower Ministries
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