June 2024 Update

This month we celebrated the six-year anniversary of our journey to BUILD by exploring three ways that God has moved through these spaces or will move through these spaces! See how God moved through Special Needs Ministry and Young Adults Ministry to disciple Julia Papadatos into a fuller, more authentic relationship with Jesus – in the video below you can watch her baptism and other moments in her journey, as well as a tour of Special Needs Ministry’s new home when they move in this fall!

Our SW corner renovations in our existing facility are near completion. The lower level is now complete; our Early Childhood Ministries have moved into their new home and Special Needs Ministry will be moving in this fall! Renovations are also well underway for the upper SW corner where our Grades 5/6 will meet along with several other ministries. We anticipate the upper SW corner being finalized this summer! We’re so close!!!

Pray for our Global Partners at Inundo Farm in South Africa.

10 per cent of all our giving to BUILD is going to construction projects of ministry centres and churches around the world. One project we are supporting with proceeds from BUILD is ministry training space for Inundo Farm. The farm was hit by a tornado on June 3rd causing much damage. Please keep global partners Dan and Kerry Wiens in your prayers as they process the pain, expense and cleanup in the aftermath of the tornado. You can watch more about it here.

These are this month’s top construction updates:
  • Renovations in Level 1 of the SW corner of the existing building have been completed. Early Childhood Ministry has moved in. Special Needs Ministry will be moving into their new spaces this fall!
  • Demolition of the 2nd floor SW corner is complete. The reception room on this floor is complete with exception of the carpet. Carpet will be completed when the Grade 5/6 area is ready for carpet to be installed.
  • In the expansion, all gym operable walls are now installed and operational. The sport court walls have been painted; play lines are being marked out and painted, along with installing the front wall tin and the glass door for this court has been ordered.
  • Multi-purpose room next to main atrium is complete.
  • Landscaping is near completion. We are awaiting for the wet weather to pass before line painting in the parking lot.

Photo Gallery

For more photos click here.

Update Videos

Through discipleship and community in Special Needs Ministry and Young Adults, Julia was able to discover deeper belonging and a deeper relationship with Jesus. That’s what these BUILD projects are all about – purpose-built spaces to facilitate deeper community and discipleship.

See a tour of the new Special Needs Ministry home.

Watch a status update on our global BUILD projects above.

Also, please pray for Inundo Development as they deal with the aftermath of a tornado on their property. See their story above.

Importance of Prayer

Praise and Prayer of the month

We are grateful for how God is moving through our Special Needs Ministry to impact lives like Julia Papadatos for Christ! Pray that God will continue to lead this ministry as they move into their new home this September.

Pray for God’s hand and provision for Inundo Development as they navigate the aftermath of a tornado that caused extensive damage on the property of this farm ministry in South Africa.   

Visit this link for a full list of BUILD prayer requests for June 2024.

Finance Update

Through your generosity to May 2024, God has provided $23.3M (Chapter 1 $15.7M, Chapter 2 $9.8M) leaving $2.2M remaining in our Chapter 2 goal. We are grateful! We still have a way to go to reach our goal. Thank you for continuing to pray and persevere with us in our journey to “complete the work,” physically, spiritually, and financially, in the spirit of 2 Corinthians 8:11.

To see where giving is at today, visit here.

The financial plan for the project is available here

To give, visit here.

Read, Watch, Catch up...

Just joining us on our journey to BUILD? God has been leading us in these projects since 2018. To learn more about the mountains and valleys of this project, visit these links:

  • Watch the BUILD update on the four-year BUILD anniversary here
  • Watch the BUILD Journey mini documentary we aired on our three-year BUILD anniversary here
  • Read Q&A’s here