Financial Plan

Fundraising Goal

Total Giving Goal $25.5M

(Chapter 1 $15.7M, Chapter 2 $9.8M)

At December 2024

Given $25.3M

Remaining $0.2M

We Celebrate what God has done through your generosity! To December 2024 God has provided $25.3 million in our journey to BUILD more room for Him. We have $0.2 million more to go to complete payment for these projects and we hope to reach that goal by or before the fall of 2025. We are so close. It will take all of us to pray, to give and to serve for these important missional projects. Please seek God for what He is calling you to give!

Future updates on where we are in our giving journey are available here:

Our Giving Story: Chapter 1

With an initial three-year goal of minimum $18 million, as of August 2021 we received $15.7M.

Our Giving Story: Chapter 2

Our Chapter 2 Giving Goal is $9.8M. As of December 2024, we have $0.2M remaining to achieve the goal and we hope to reach the goal by or before the Fall of 2025. Please join us in prayer.

To see the story of our BUILD journey in greater detail, view the  short documentary.

Estimated Value of the BUILD Projects

The following financial plan was based on our projections in the summer of 2021.  

Our final project costs will be updated once again with total project costs and budget in time for the AGM in November 2024.
Please come back soon for up-to-date financial figures.


This is the value of the Central Campus expansion excluding the portion which is being funded by Global ministries; Global Ministries is partially funding the expansion because the Centre for the City is an extension of our Global Ministries. The interior of the 4th floor is not being developed at this time.


This is the value of the Bearspaw Campus excluding the Land (which was donated to Centre Street Church) and excluding the value of Land Servicing (which was funded from a different budget). Land Servicing covers underground utilities, roads etc.


Capital Upgrades to enhance the ministries at Bearspaw Campus, Airdrie Campus and South Campus.


Global Capital Projects. Ten Percent (10%) of donations to BUILD are allocated to Global Capital Projects which include local, national, and international projects including a church called Reconciliation Road in South Africa, four churches in Ukraine, a Ministry Centre in SE Asia and a church we hope to build with our partners in Quebec. A portion of this is funding construction of the Centre for the City which will have space in the Central Campus expansion.

God’s provision (estimated available funds)

The costs and available funds presented here are at a high level. For a more detailed estimate of costs and revenues, please see the FAQ.


Through your generosity in the years leading up to the start of the BUILD project. We praise the Lord for the vision of those who contributed to these projects even before the BUILD project began in 2018.


From the sale of our West Campus on the corner of Centre Street and 40 Ave.


The total of our Chapter 1 giving ($15.7M) and our Chapter 2 goal ($9.8M) is $25.5M We celebrate that to December 2024 God has provided $25.3 million in our journey to BUILD more room for Him. We have $0.2 million more to go to complete payment for these projects and we hope to reach that goal by or before the fall of 2025.


We praise God for how we’ve been able to invest funds prior to needing to pay contractor invoices. Interest from these investments and other sources of funds are also helping to pay for these projects.


Giving Remaining Chapter 2 as of December 2024: $0.2 million left to raise.


Project Cost Increases

At the beginning of our journey to BUILD we started with some seed money, a gift of land, sale of the West Campus, some concept drawings and a step of faith. With the advancement of tenders and shifting realities, our overall project costs increased, due in large part to factors outside our control. 


For a detailed timeline of how our projects and external circumstances progressed and shifted, please click below.


Spring 2018 to October 2021

In a nutshell: What caused higher costs than the original estimates?

Some of the cost increases were due to changing global realities impacting material costs and timelines and some of the increases were in response to community/ministry consultations, county requirements, new information arising on the construction site or the tendering process. And, finally, some of the cost increases were due to decisions made for the long term benefit of the church and our ministries, designing with the future in mind as new insights emerged.

Have any questions about the details of cost increases? These and other questions are included in our FAQ.

Join us in prayer

CSC Leadership has committed these BUILD projects to prayer, knowing that God is faithful and has been affirming and leading us on this journey.

We are trusting our Lord to provide the resources that are needed, and we invite you to pray with us that God would continue to lead in all our decisions, and whether you would sense God leading you to continue to support this project financially and with your prayers.
